Occupational therapist educated within EU or EEA
In order to a obtain a Swedish license to practice you need to
- prove you have the correct professional qualifications
- prove you have sufficient language skills in Swedish, Danish or Norwegian (this applies even to those with Swedish nationality)
- have a Swedish personal identity number or coordination number.
1. Apply for a licence
How to apply to us
You apply to us, either by using our web form or by filling in the application form and sending it to us by post. Select one way, and follow the instructions under each tab.
The application must contain
- an account statement or an image that shows that you have paid the application fee
- a copy of a valid ID document (e.g. a copy on the first page of your valid passport or a copy of a national ID card)
- a copy and translation of a document showing name change if you have changed your name since you completed your education
- a copy of your certificate or diploma attesting to your language skills.
Please also send copies and translations of
- your diploma
- a certificate which is not older than three months to show that you are not prohibited from pursuing your profession, such as a Certificate of Good Standing or Certificate of Current Professional Status (If there is no register that you can get such a certificate from, then send a certificate with information from the country's criminal record.)
- a certificate showing your level of education under Article 11 of EU directive 2005/36/EC (pdf)
- a document from the school or college where you were trained which describes the courses you completed, their content and duration.
If neither your profession nor you qualification is regulated in the country where you qualified, you also need to prove that you have worked in your profession for at least one of the past ten years in one or more EU or EEA countries. You can do this by sending in one or more employment certificates with your application. Send in certified copies of the certificate(s), both translated and also in the original language.
Fill in your e-mail address
We will send the decision to you by e-mail, so you need to fill in your email address in the application form. If you have not filled in your e-mail address, the decision will be sent via regular mail.
The application must contain
- an account statement or an image that shows that you have paid the application fee
- a copy of a valid ID document (e.g. a copy on the first page of your valid passport or a copy of a national ID card)
- a copy and translation of a document showing name change if you have changed your name since you completed your education
- a copy of your certificate or diploma attesting to your language skills.
Please also send copies and translations of
- your diploma
- a certificate which is not older than three months to show that you are not prohibited from pursuing your profession, such as a Certificate of Good Standing or Certificate of Current Professional Status (If there is no register that you can get such a certificate from, then send a certificate with information from the country's criminal record.)
- a certificate showing your level of education under Article 11 of EU directive 2005/36/EC (pdf)
- a document from the school or college where you were trained which describes the courses you completed, their content and duration.
If neither your profession nor you qualification is regulated in the country where you qualified, you also need to prove that you have worked in your profession for at least one of the past ten years in one or more EU or EEA countries. You can do this by sending in one or more employment certificates with your application. Send in certified copies of the certificate(s), both translated and also in the original language.
Fill in your e-mail address
We will send the decision to you by e-mail, so you need to fill in your email address in the application form. If you have not filled in your e-mail address, the decision will be sent via regular mail.
Download and print the application form
Application form for a licence to practice for those educated within the EU or EEA (pdf)
Post your application and all documents to:
106 30 Stockholm
2. You need to be able to speak Swedish, Danish or Norwegian
To be able to get a Swedish licence, you need to have language skills in Swedish, Danish or Norwegian. This applies even if you are a citizen of Sweden, Denmark, Finland or Norway. Send a certified copy of your diploma or other certificate showing your language skills with your licence application.
If you have an education from another EU/EEA country and do not yet have the language proficiency required for a licence, you have the opportunity to request a review of your professional qualifications.
Read more about review of professional qualifications
Form for assessment of language skills (in Swedish)
3. Frequently asked questions
Do you have questions about how to apply?
Telephone: 075-247 30 00
Telephone hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9–11
E-mail: fragoromansokan@socialstyrelsen.se
Do you have questions about your current application?
If you have submitted an application and have questions about your application, you can contact us. Always state your case number (diary number).
Telephone: 075-247 30 00
Telephone hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9–11
E-mail: socialstyrelsen@socialstyrelsen.se